Ravintola Nallikarissa monipuoliset ja laadukkaat kokous- ja kongressipalvelut. Oulun keskustan läheisyydessä, merenrannalla.
Rooms are suitable for many different kind of meetings, konferences, festive dinner parties or more relaxed sauna parties etc. There is a modern meeting equipment in all of our meeting rooms and cabinetts.
Wide screen, AV-equipment and high-quality speakers.
Karaoke equipment.
We offer high-quality meeting equipment and multi-functional meeting rooms and facilities with an amazing AV to all your events from 6 to 200 persons.
Nallikari Meetings
Mon - Fri 7.30-01.30 (22.00 Covid-19 requlations)
Sat 11.00-01.30 (22.00 Covid-19 requlations)
Pysäköinti on ilmaista kaikilla Nallikarin rannan parkkipaikoilla klo 07-23 välisenä aikana.
Iso parkkipaikka, 130 ruutua sijaitsee aivan ravintolan välittömässä läheisyydessä ja parkkiin pääsee myös bussilla. Inva-paikat sijaitsevat ravintolan vieressä, lähellä Inva-liuskaa.
Mikäli tilaisuutesi jatkuu 23 jälkeen, ravintolasta saa parkkilapun.
Ravintola Nallikari offers 5 different meeting rooms with several combinations.
Four of the rooms are multi-functional and can be used separately or as combined rooms.Three of the meeting rooms have also an access to our sauna department. Free spacing and easily movable walls make the whole restaurant usable as well as in small private meetings and as one big venue, serving events more than 200 persons.
Entrepreneurs have over 20 years experience from meeting venues and conference hotels. From year 2014 we have been a member of CNF ry. CNF is a Finnish organization within the meeting industry.
Its goal is to advance and improve member’s professional knowledge and widen
their network possibilities; develop research within the industry, share
information and act as a lobbyist together with other actors.
Kokousteknisten ratkaisujemme takana on Murea Oy. Luotamme heidän palveluihinsa edelleen, aina kun lisätekniikkaan on tarvetta.

Meeting rooms are designed to serve your party from early morning to night. You can easily combine business, relaxation and good food at the same time.
In all of our meeting rooms we have modern meeting equipment;
wide screens, dimming lights, custom speakers and a 100M free WiFi.
Computer adapters available: WGA, HDMI, Micro-HDMI, Display-HDMI, Mini- Display, Micro-Display, Apple-USB-HDMI.
Still and sparkling Thoreau water available in the meeting room.
In addition you can rent a laptop for 60.00€/ day.
Meri 1
Multi-functional meeting room with two full window walls. Sea view. Possibility to combine with Merilounge for more space.
49,5 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Diplomat 22, class room 32, theater 50, U -table 20, two sided long tables/group tables 50.
Meri 2
Multi-functional meeting room with two full window walls. Sea view.
40,5 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Diplomat 18, class room 22, theater 28, U -table 16, two sided long tables/group tables 24.
Meri 1-2
Multi-functional combined meeting room with three full window walls. Sea view. possibility to combine with Merilouge for more space.
99 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Class room 72 , theater 110, two sided long tables for 8 or 12 persons/group 86.
Ranta 1
Multi-functional meeting room with three window walls. Beach view.
Possible to combine with sauna Juolukka.
42 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Diplomat 16, class room 24, theater 34, U -table 16, two sided long tables/group tables 24.
Ranta 2
Multi-functional meeting room. No windows.
Possible to combine with sauna Puolukka.
26 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Diplomat 16, class room 20, theater 30, group tables 20.
Ranta 1-2
Multi-functional combined meeting room with window wall. Beach view.
Possible to combine with both saunas.
69 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Diplomat 20, class room 60, theater 66, U -table 22, two sided long tables/group tables 48.
Meeting room with exquisite design and a full window wall. Sea view.
Private entrance with a small lobby and a toilet. Possible to combine with sauna Juolukka.
15 m2
Seating possibilities with max. capacity:
Only diplomat setting, . Leather chairs. 12.
Welcome to plan your own Nallikari meetig!
High-quality, Finnish restaurant at Nallikari Beach, Oulu. Restaurant is open from lunch to late dinner from Monday to Saturday and on summer Sundays. Summer terrace for 300 seats. An exquisite 180 sea view.